Hi! I'm Jaye Haleryn. I'm kind of a smart-ass, and I love humor! Weird, silly, off-beat humor is the best, and it keeps life a bit more fun, don't you think?

My goal with my designs is to bring a smile to your heart, and with any luck, get a laugh!

Haleryn Designs has a variety of products all with unique designs. These designs and products are set up in different shops. Why? Because, I have too many ideas in my brain, and it's more fun to create independent shops for you to find what suits you best that you can enjoy!

Check out our shops below and find what you can't live without!

Haleryn Designs creates fun and unique designs on bags, mugs, journals, and other cool products you can actually use!

Gay Jaye creates fun and unique designs for the LGBTQIA+ community
and their allies!

Jaye Haleryn

Coming Soon!

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Jaye Haleryn